The second primary vote concerning the deregistration from SAFE and entry into Unio/DNMF has now been held. The result was presented to the club board on 17/11/23, and it shows that 2/3 are in favor of collective withdrawal from SAFE. This shows that SAFE's statutes in relation to deregistration of the club have now been fulfilled, and there will be a collective transition to Unio/DNMF.

Further process:
What happens next is that all members will be offered membership in Unio/DNMF on 20.11.23. This happens by all members receiving an SMS and e-mail containing a link for registration in Unio/DNMF. Due to GDPR considerations, this will be the most sensible way to do this. Following the registration to Unio/DNMF, the club board will form an interim board until the formalities are in place. There will be regular meetings with Unio/DNMF during this period.

We would like to thank all members for taking part in the vote, and we are sure that this is the best choice for us going forward regarding future pay and working conditions.